The same goes for many other situations, at work and at home. So it’s fair to say that stress is more to do with how we see what happens to us, than with what actually happens.
Regular relaxation is an essential part of managing stress, and learning proper relaxation techniques can help when it all seems a bit too much.
There is more about dealing with stress in the other posts on this blog, but in the meantime, take some time for yourself, book a massage, learn self hypnosis or meditation, and use the following two minute stress buster:
Quick fix relaxation –
- sit somewhere comfy and close your eyes
- focus your attention on your breathing: become very aware of how it feels to breathe in and how it feels to breathe out.
- imagine that each time you breathe out, you breathe away tension and stress.
- each time you breathe in you breathe in relaxation.
- allow your breathing to become slower and steadier, and accept the changes in how that makes you feel.
Continue that slow steady breathing for a couple of minutes then open your eyes feeling calm and relaxed.
If you find this difficult without guidance, download my 'five minute freebie' audio track from http://www.yorkshirestressmanagement.com/freebies.htm
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