As this is written in January when many of us are tightening our belts after the holidays, getting back into 'real life', and putting up with the bad weather until Spring arrives, I thought I would look at how to get help with your stress for free.
There are lots of articles on stress and how to reduce or manage it but I was looking for sites which offered a bit more - downloadable fact sheets, audios, quizzes and so on. There don't seem to be many but I have scoured the Net and come up with these recommendations.
If you know of others which are particularly good and free, (your own or other people's) do feel free to add them in the comments underneath this article and say what you like about them.
The sites in this article are not in any particular order, other than my own is last to avoid cries of favouritism! And please remember that some free offers may go out of date. The article was published at the beginning of 2016.
You might think of you-tube as a place where ducks ride skateboards, people make fools of themselves and gamers post their virtual successes but many hypnotherapists, yoga teachers and stress management coaches use it as a place for offering free audios and videos. There were far too many for me to choose just one (and music/audios come down to personal choice anyway) but it's definitely worth looking at.
Author: Debbie Waller is a professional stress management coach, specialising in working with individuals and smaller employers to minimise stress and maximise feeling in control.Debbie is has also written about helping people with IBS in the Hypnotherapy Handbook which is available from
Find out more about Debbie's services on or phone 01977 678593
There are lots of articles on stress and how to reduce or manage it but I was looking for sites which offered a bit more - downloadable fact sheets, audios, quizzes and so on. There don't seem to be many but I have scoured the Net and come up with these recommendations.
If you know of others which are particularly good and free, (your own or other people's) do feel free to add them in the comments underneath this article and say what you like about them.
The sites in this article are not in any particular order, other than my own is last to avoid cries of favouritism! And please remember that some free offers may go out of date. The article was published at the beginning of 2016.
Stress Management for busy women
This first site says it's for women but I suspect the information and freebies will be just as good for men. I particularly like the emergency kit poster about half way down the page. It's definitely an 'if all else fails' approach but made me smile anyway.The Stress Management Society
There are plenty of mind maps, audios and factsheets here. They are free in the sense that you don't pay for them. You do have to sign up for their newsletter, which you don't pay for either, in order to access the resources though.Stressed-less Living
This site comes from a Christian perspective but has quite a few good resources and many of them are helpful and practical whatever your faith or spiritual outlook.
You tube
You might think of you-tube as a place where ducks ride skateboards, people make fools of themselves and gamers post their virtual successes but many hypnotherapists, yoga teachers and stress management coaches use it as a place for offering free audios and videos. There were far too many for me to choose just one (and music/audios come down to personal choice anyway) but it's definitely worth looking at.Yorkshire Stress Management
And finally, please visit my own site, where you can get leaflets, flyers, a stress test and a five minute audio, all for free. You don't even have to part with your email address!--------------------------------------------------------------
Author: Debbie Waller is a professional stress management coach, specialising in working with individuals and smaller employers to minimise stress and maximise feeling in control.Debbie is has also written about helping people with IBS in the Hypnotherapy Handbook which is available from
Find out more about Debbie's services on or phone 01977 678593
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