It’s a New Year, and a New Decade, so I am sure many of you are making plans to change things around. Not just the traditional resolution kind of thing but also a real wish for things to be better in the long term. The problem is that in order to make those wishes into reality instead of just an item on a (mostly ignored) ‘to do’ list, you need a plan.
Try these proven tips to help you achieve your dreams:
Many of the plans that we create in our minds remain there - only a dream. But if you truly want something, you stand to gain a lifetime of happiness by chasing it.
You only have one life to live; with decisive action and persistence, you can overcome every obstacle in your way to achieve the reality you want!
Author: Debbie Waller is a professional stress management coach, specialising in working with individuals and smaller employers to minimise stress and maximise feeling in control.Debbie is the author of Their Worlds, Your Words and has co-written the Hypnotherapy Handbook both of which are available from Amazon.
Find out more about Debbie's services on or phone 01977 678593
Try these proven tips to help you achieve your dreams:
- Know what you want. Having a general idea that you would like to be fitter or more organised is great but how will you know when you get there? So, think about how you will look, feel and think when you reach your goal. How much fitter do you want to be, for example? A world record marathon runner or just able to run up three flights of stairs comfortably?
- Decisive action leads to success. Make a written plan. A spreadsheet, even, if you’re that kind of person. Include (a) each step you can take to reach your goal, (b) what you need to take it, and (c) when you can put it in place. For example, if you want to reduce your weight, your first step might be (a) ‘look for a diet that suits my lifestyle’, (b) ‘I can look online’ (c) ‘I can do this next week on my day off while the kids are at school.
- Don’t set yourself up for failure. Make sure the steps you have identified are achievable and practical, and that you have allocated enough time to complete each one.
- Don’t go it alone. Tell your nearest and dearest what you are doing and enlist their support.
- Offer suggestions if people aren’t sure how to support you. For example, ask your other half to buy you flowers or a DVD for Valentines this year instead of wine and chocolates to help you reduce your calorie intake.
- Improve or acquire the skills you need to achieve your goal. For example, if you want to do some bricklaying as part of your DIY campaign, or learn money management techniques to get your finances in order, find out how from an expert. You could do this by downloading an ebook, watching you-tube videos or going to webinars or classes.
- Get started. The first step is by far the most important step in order to make your plans a reality. Making the initial move will help boost your confidence and inspire you to follow through with the later ones.
- Don’t be afraid of failure or allow setbacks to make you give up your plans. If something doesn’t work, try again a different way. It’s always a learning experience and being able to say that you've given an honest attempt is positive in itself.
- Accept that change of all kinds can be stressful and do it anyway. It's a short term pain for long term gain. There is plenty of help in dealing with stress on this site, or you can contact me if you need more personal help.
Many of the plans that we create in our minds remain there - only a dream. But if you truly want something, you stand to gain a lifetime of happiness by chasing it.
You only have one life to live; with decisive action and persistence, you can overcome every obstacle in your way to achieve the reality you want!

Find out more about Debbie's services on or phone 01977 678593
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